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Running Track

Montbello Track & Field

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Order Your Sweat Suites Today!

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Build Confidence

  • Realize that confidence fluctuates. Confidence for all athletes — even at the highest level — ebbs and flows. ...

  • Focus on yourself, not on others. Instead of thinking about how well your teammates or opponents are doing, think about your own performance and how you can improve. ...

  • Focus on day-to-day success. ...

  • Concentrate on the process, not outcomes. ...

  • Focus on what you’re doing right. ...

Boost Your Mood

Track and field workouts and other physical activities help burn excess energy and release mood balancing endorphins. Improved motivation... The hardest part about training and exercising is getting started. Seeing successes in track and field and regular practice helps increase motivation and encourages goal setting for bigger and better things.

Increase Energy Levels

Track & Field training will boost oxygen circulation inside your body. This increase in oxygen not only supports the mitochondria’s energy production, it allows your body to function better and to use its energy more efficiently. Plus, your body gets a boost from a training and exercise-induced increase in hormone levels that makes you feel more energized.



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